Soundscape. “We are simultaneously its audience, its performers and its composers.”
R. Murray Schafer, 1997
Our aim is to contribute to the conservation and design of positive and meaningful acoustic environments. We believe that conventional noise control approaches do not exploit the full potential of urban soundscapes. Novel methods and interventions can create better soundscape experiences. This project aims to provide a useful repository for everyone dealing with soundscapes. Let’s join forces to create pleasant and healthy acoustic environments!
Soundscape Interventions
This initiative is led by members of the University College London (Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering) and the Technical University of Berlin (Department of Engineering Acoustics) who have been working for decades in the field of environmental noise assessment, noise control and soundscape. Our activities are supported by the HEAD-Genuit-Foundation.
Soundscape. “We are simultaneously its audience, its performers and its composers.”
R. Murray Schafer, 1997
Leave us a note and we will get back to you!
If you are interested in referencing our work or citing the information you find here, please use the following citation suggestion in APA style: The CSI Project Team. (2023, June 06). The Catalogue of Soundscape Interventions (CSI). https://soundscape-intervention.org/
Chen, X. Aletta, F., Moshona, C., Fiebig, A., Henze H., Kang J., Mitchell A., Oberman T., Schulte-Fortkamp, B., Tong, H. (2024). Developing a taxonomy of soundscape interventions from a catalogue of real-world examples. Acta Acustica, 8(29).
Chen, X., Aletta, F., Moshona, C. C., Fiebig, A., Kang, J., Mitchell, A., Oberman, T., & Schulte-Fortkamp, B. (2024). Catalogue of Soundscape Interventions(CSI) Project Technical Report. Zenodo.
Moshona, C.C., Fiebig A., Aletta, F., Chen, X. Kang, J. Mitchell, A., Oberman, T., Schulte-Fortkamp, B. (2024). A framework to characterize and classify soundscape design practices based on grounded theory. Noise Mapping, 11:20240002. 1: 20240002
Moshona, C. Aletta, F., Chen, X., Fiebig, A., Henze, H., Kang, J., Mitchell, A., Oberman, T., Schulte-Fortkamp, B., Tong, H. (2023). Deriving a typology of soundscape interventions, Forum Acusticum 2023, 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association, Turin.
Chen, X., Aletta, F., Moshona, C., Henze, H. Mitchell, A., Oberman, T., Tong, H., Fiebig, A., Kang, J., Schulte-Fortkamp, B. (2023). Developing a taxonomy of soundscape design from real-world examples. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 153.3_supplement A232-A32.
Moshona, C., Aletta, F., Henze, H., Chen, X., Mitchell, A., Oberman, T., Tong, H., Fiebig, A., Kang, J., & Schulte-Fortkamp, B. (2022). What is a soundscape intervention? Exploring definitions and identification criteria and a platform to gather real-world examples. INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 265(7), pp. 854-862, Institute of Noise Control Engineering.
Henze, H., Moshona, C., & Fiebig, A. (2023). Katalogisierung von Lärmschutzmaßnahmen mit Gestaltungsaspekten. In Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 2023, 49. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA).
Photos: urbanidentity, Trond Maag